Aaina (Asian Women in Walsall) |
Phone: | 01922 644006 | | Monday -Thursday, 9.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m Friday, 9.00 a.m – 4.00 p.m
The service offers support, advice, information, recreational activities, and refreshments for Asian women in Walsall who have, or support someone who has, mental health problems. We offer a friendly female-only service in an all-Asian environment. We also support a range of BME community languages.
Email: | aainaawf@hotmail.co.uk | |
Website: | | |
Address: | Bath Road, Walsall, WS1 3BS. | |
Arch North East |
Phone: | 01642 822331 | | Provide rape and sexual abuse counselling. After experiencing rape or any form of sexual abuse, you may well be struggling to cope with your feelings and emotions. Confusion, stress, grief, isolation, fear – without the right support these feelings can sometimes escalate to self-blame, lack of self-esteem, depression, self-harm or eating disorders. |
Email: | counsellor@archnortheast.org | |
Website: | www.archnortheast.org | |
Address: | | |
Ashiana Network |
Phone: | 0208 539 0427 | | Ashiana Counselling is accepts referrals in the following boroughs: Barking and Dagenham Havering Redbridge - Closed Tower Hamlets Waltham Forest
Email: | info@ashiana.org.uk | |
Website: | http://www.ashiana.org.uk | |
Address: | Suite 204
First Floor
Oceanair House
750-760 High Road
Leytonstone, E11 3BB | |
Beacon - Bolton Counselling Service |
Phone: | 01204 546100 | | Offer counselling for anyone over the age of 16 years irrespective of race, religion or beliefs. Beacon is a non-profit registered charity providing counselling services to the general public. Also provide a specialist counselling for survivors of sexual abuse. |
Email: | enquire@beaconcounselling.org | |
Website: | www.beaconcounselling.org | |
Address: | Bolton, Lancashire | |
Better Health - Asian Family Counselling Service |
Phone: | 0207 428 1880 | | FREE confidential counselling for South Asian couples and families facing stress. The AFCS is aimed at all members of the South Asian communities above the age of 16, and can see couples where one partner is Asian. It can provide counselling to couples of whatever marital status or sexual orientation. The service provides face-to-face counselling at its offices and phone counselling, and also runs a number of self-help groups for specific issues. Counsellors are recruited from the Muslim, Hindu and Sikh communities. |
Email: | | |
Website: | www.better-health.org.uk | |
Address: | West Midlands and London | |
Blackburn & Darwen District Without Abuse |
Phone: | 01254 260465/ 55111 (9am-5pm) | | Work with the Women’s centre to provide a counselling service that provides one-to-one support in a non-judgmental, emotionally supportive way and is a very valuable process for women and men who have suffered the effects of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence. |
Email: | info@bddwa.org.uk | |
Website: | http://www.bddwa.org.uk | |
Address: | Blackburn, Lancashire | |
Bradford Counselling Services |
Phone: | 01274 733080 | | They have following services: Off The Record For young people aged 13 - 18 on any issue - FREE 1-2-1 For adults 19+ on any issue - FREE The Freedom Project For women who have experienced domestic abuse and/or violence - FREE Fast Track Service Fast Track Service is for those who are willing to pay. This does not mean that the queue is jumped, or that those who are unable to pay have to wait longer. All clients seen under our Fast Track Service are additional to our NHS funded service, and all proceeds go towards supporting the work of the charity and helping to increase capacity, improve service and eventually reduce waiting times. Making a referral To make a referral to any of the FREE projects, just click HERE and follow the instructions, or go to the Contact Us page and give us a call. For the Fast Track service, just call, or click HERE
Email: | info@bradfordcounsellingservices.org.uk | |
Website: | http://www.bradfordcounsellingservices.org.uk | |
Address: | Bradford, Yorkshire | |
Community Development Initiative |
Phone: | 0161 881 0007 | | Offer service to all sections of the community however priority given to people who may be having difficulty in accessing mental health services for various reasons. Also offer bilingual language and home-visits where necessary.
Email: | cdi256@gmail.com | |
Website: | | |
Address: | Oakland House
Ground Floor, Talbot Road
Manchester, M16 0PQ
| |
Counselling Directory |
Phone: | | | A directory that lists only professional counsellors and psychotherapists. However, please check the fees on their profiles prior to contacting them. The website also a useful resource highlighting statistics and events etc. |
Email: | | |
Website: | www.counselling-directory.org.uk | |
Address: | | |
EACH Counselling |
Phone: | 020 8577 6059 | | EACH provides advice and information, counselling and support on mental health issues within the community in different languages, including workshops on self-care, for example on stress management, healthy eating and exercise, and a Home-visiting service for Asian Women. |
Email: | info@eachcounselling.org.uk | |
Website: | www.eachcounselling.org.uk | |
Address: | West London | |
Eva Womens Aid |
Phone: | 01642 490677 | | Offer face to face and telephone counselling, advocacy and support for women and children over 12 years who have been affected by any form of domestic and/or sexual abuse at any time in their lives. Also run a support group (coffee morning) each Thursday (10am to noon) from our offices on 86 High Street, Redcar. |
Email: | info@eva.org.uk | |
Website: | www.evawomensaid.org.uk/contact-us/ | |
Address: | Middlesborough | |
Jyoti (Black and Asian Women's Helpline) |
Phone: | 01274 308 270 | | Telephone support and face-to-face counselling for Black / Asian women and girls who have experienced any form of domestic or sexual violence. Practical support e.g. accompanying women to court, police station, doctors etc. 24-hour answer phone gives opening times of telephone support service.
Opening Times: Wed & Thurs 1pm - 4pm
Email: | contactus@brcg.org.uk | |
Website: | | |
Address: | c/o BCVS, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Bradford BD1 2AY | |
Lateef Project |
Phone: | 0121 301 5392 or 0121 301 5393 | | Varying opening times (check website).
The Lateef Project is a community led counselling service for Muslims and people related to the Muslim community in Birmingham, a confidential emotional support service available at the cost of a call. The service uses male and female volunteers trained in Islamic counselling to a level where they can support you, with understanding of the sorts of issues that happen in our lives.
Email: | mail@lateefproject.com | |
Website: | www.lateefproject.com | |
Address: | Birmingham | |
Leicester Counselling Centre |
Phone: | (0116) 255 8801 | | Offer long-term counselling of up to two years if needed. |
Email: | admin@leicscounselling.co.uk | |
Website: | www.leicestercounsellingcentre.co.uk | |
Address: | Leicester | |
Luton All Womens Centre |
Phone: | 01582 416 783 | | Operate a safe, confidential place to explore emotional difficulties that may be causing you stress and anxiety. |
Email: | support@lawc.org.uk | |
Website: | www.lutonallwomenscentre.org.uk | |
Address: | Luton | |
Maya Centre - Counselling for Women |
Phone: | 0207 272 0995 | | Provides long term counselling and psychological support to some of the most vulnerable women in our community; women who have experienced severe trauma through domestic violence, abuse in childhood or overseas in war and conflict. The support is FREE and targeted at the most marginal and disadvantaged women. The Maya Centre provides a joint service provision, with Manor Gardens for survivors of FGM. The Maya Centre is solely responsible for group therapy and 1:1 counselling.
Email: | | |
Website: | www.mayacentre.org.uk | |
Address: | London | |
Muslim Women's Network Counselling Service |
Phone: | 0800 999 5786 / 0303 999 5786 | | Please contact the Muslim Women's Network Helpline who can then refer you to their internal counselling service on a range of issues. The counselling can be offered face-to-face or telephone / Skype. The counselling is culturally sensitive and can also be (Islamic) faith based if required. The counsellors are based in Birmingham.
Email: | info@mwnhelpline.co.uk | |
Website: | | |
Address: | | |
My Sisters Place |
Phone: | 01642 241864 | | Offer a FREE and confidential one to one counselling service. They can help you explore and deal with the issues arising from experiencing domestic violence or abuse. |
Email: | hello@mysistersplace.co.uk | |
Website: | http://mysistersplace.org.uk | |
Address: | 123 Borough Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3AN | |
Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre |
Phone: | 020 7263 6947 | | Help people in difficult circumstances recover and move forward with their lives. They recognise that cost is a significant barrier to accessing therapy so they offer subsidised therapy to individuals, couples and groups. |
Email: | admin@nafsiyat.org.uk | |
Website: | www.nafsiyat.org.uk | |
Address: | London | |
Naye Subah (New Dawn) |
Phone: | 01274 307 639 | | Offers day care and support services for Asian women experiencing mental health difficulties. Provides therapeutic and support groups, drop-in groups, ESOL classes, advice sessions, advocacy, information and outreach. Aims to provide childcare and transport. Opportunities for Asian women to do voluntary work with the project. Supported Languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi. Can provide interpreters.
Email: | nayesubah@tiscalli.co.uk | |
Website: | | |
Address: | Quaker Meeting House, Russell Street, Bradford BD5 OJB. | |
Open Door Youth Counselling |
Phone: | 0121 454 1116 | | If you wish to access Counselling at Open Door, are aged 12-25, live in Birmingham and are registered with a Birmingham GP you will need to: Arrange an appointment with your Doctor Ask your Doctor to make a referral for you to Open Door Once the referral is received the client will be put on waiting list and then offered 6 FREE counselling sessions If you are 26 and over:
You can be offered low cost sessions at £20 / one hour session and can be offered 6-12 sessions.
To enquire about this service fill in online form here |
Email: | | |
Website: | http://www.opendooryouthcounselling.org.uk | |
Address: | | |
Qalb Centre |
Phone: | 020 8521 5223 | | Offers counselling and complementary therapies for Asian, African and African Caribbean people with emotional problems, domestic violence problems and problems with alcohol. It also offers a support group for women and couple and group counselling. |
Email: | | |
Website: | | |
Address: | Low Hall Lane, Walthamstow, London, E17 8BE. | |
Quetzal |
Phone: | 0333 1014280 | | Based in Leicester, Quetzal provides long-term counselling, crisis counselling and a telephone helpline to support women, aged 16 and over, who are recovering from the trauma of .childhood sexual abuse. Women can self refer using their online form on their website. |
Email: | help@quetzal.org | |
Website: | http://quetzal.org.uk | |
Address: | Leicester | |
Roshni Ghar |
Phone: | 01535 609927 | | Opening Times: Mon - Thurs 9.00am – 4.30pm, Fri 9.00 am – 4.30pm
Supported Languages: English,Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali (Sylethi).
Description: Roshni Ghar is a community mental health organisation based in Keighley for women from the BME community who experience mental health distress. Roshni Ghar offers one-to-one support, Umeed group for women with high levels of mental health problems, help advice with completing benefits forms in partnership in Citizens Advice Bureau, older women's group, service user led social group, support for carers, English classes. Examples of other activities include trips and outings, arts and crafts, cooking and group discussion and aromatherapy. Works in partnership with community, statutory and voluntary agencies and referral is by a health professional at present. |
Email: | info@roshnighar.org.uk | |
Website: | www.roshnighar.org.uk | |
Address: | 13 Scott Street, Keighley, BD21 2JH. | |
Sakoon Counselling |
Phone: | 07943561561 | | Leading providers of Islamic Counselling, offer a Muslim counselling service. Anxious, Depressed, Marital issues or anything else.
Email: | info@sakoon.co.uk | |
Website: | www.sakoon.co.uk | |
Address: | | |
Sharing Voices |
Phone: | 01274 7311 66 | | Brings together women from all South Asian Backgrounds, promotes a holistic approach to mental health and well being, taking into account women’s lived experiences, in a warm and friendly environment. Also provide one to one support to people living with mental distress and or in times of crisis we provide a sympathetic listening ear and support people in making choices that will enable them to deal with issues that are confronting them. |
Email: | info@sharingvoices.org.uk | |
Website: | www.sharingvoices.org.uk | |
Address: | Clifton House, Clifton Villas, Bradford, BD8 7BY. | |
Sheffield Womens Counselling and Therapy Service |
Phone: | 0114 275 2157 | | Offer a much needed, free counselling service to women in Sheffield who have experienced trauma or abuse. |
Email: | | |
Website: | www.swcts.org.uk | |
Address: | | |
Solace Womens Aid |
Phone: | 0808 802 5565 | | Counselling service offers exploratory emotional support to women who have been affected by domestic and sexual violence in an intimate relationship. Counselling service provides support for women aged 16+ across London and is available in English and a range of community languages. All sessions are FREE and offered during the day or in the evening. |
Email: | advice@solacewomensaid.org | |
Website: | http://solacewomensaid.org | |
Address: | London | |
Star Project Outreach Service |
Phone: | 01924 298954 | | Support Males and Females who have been raped or seriously sexually assaulted. Emotional and practical support. Emotional and practical support in own home. Counselling premises at various locations. Minimum age 14. |
Email: | | |
Website: | | |
Address: | Wakefiels, Yorkshire | |
Tamarind Centre |
Phone: | 024 76227712 or 024 76225512 | | Provides a holistic health and well being support service to BME communities, providing a culturally aware counselling service.
Email: | info@tamarindcentre.co.uk | |
Website: | http://tamarindcentre.co.uk | |
Address: | Coventry | |
The Listening Service |
Phone: | 020 8429 5875 | | Faith and culturally sensitive service for women who want to talk about their problems confidentially. |
Email: | info@thelisteningservice.org.uk | |
Website: | http://www.thelisteningservice.org.uk | |
Address: | | |
Tyneside Womens Health |
Phone: | 0191 477 7898 | | Improve women's mental health and emotional well being. You can refer yourself to their counselling service or ask your GP, statutory mental health service, or other organisation who can make the referral on your behalf. |
Email: | enquiries@tynesidewomenshealth.org.uk | |
Website: | www.tynesidewomenshealth.org.uk | |
Address: | Newcastle and Gateshead | |
Watford Womens Centre Plus |
Phone: | 01923 816229 | | Provide a specialist women's counselling service. The service provides women a safe, confidential and supportive environment to explore all kinds of thoughts, feelings and experiences with a female counsellor. The counselling is open ended weekly low cost counselling for up to two years in duration or short term focussed counselling. Counselling service operates on a sliding scale from the minimum of £5 up to £30 per session and is dependent on income and benefits received. |
Email: | | |
Website: | http://www.wwcplus.org.uk | |
Address: | Watforf | |
Womans Trust |
Phone: | 0207 034 0303 | | Offer FREE one-to-one counselling to women in the boroughs of Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith & Fulham, Westminster, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Barking & Dagenham, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Havering, Greenwich and Newham. However, if you reside in another London borough, you can still access our support groups and workshops. Take referrals directly from women or through a third party with their consent.
Email: | admin@womanstrust.org.uk | |
Website: | www.womanstrust.org.uk | |
Address: | London | |
Women and Girls Network Counselling |
Phone: | 020 7610 4678 | | Women and Girls Network is a specialist, women-only service providing free counselling and support to women and girls across London who have experienced any kind of gendered violence, including domestic violence and rape. We can offer one-to-one counselling sessions, as well as advocacy and practical support through the criminal justice system.
Email: | ascentcounselling@wgn.org.uk | |
Website: | http://www.wgn.org.uk/ | |
Address: | London | |
Womens Counselling and Therapy Service |
Phone: | 0113 2455725 | | Offer a free or low cost accessible counselling and psychotherapy service for Leeds women on low incomes. Venues are in the city centre and in communities around Leeds. Currently accepting referrals from women who wish to self-refer and from professionals for:
a) women who currently self harm b) women who are pregnant or have a baby under one year old c) women who have had successive removals of children from their care
Referral form can be found here. |
Email: | | |
Website: | www.womenstherapyleeds.org.uk | |
Address: | Leeds | |